Chapter 88

1 God, who saves me, I have called out to you day and night.
2 Let my prayer reach you: listen to my call for help.
3 My soul is filled with troubles, and my life is close to ending.
4 I am grouped with those who descend into the pit; I am like a man without strength.
5 Free among the dead, like those killed that lie in the grave, whom you no longer remember: and they are separated from your care.
6 You have put me in the deepest pit, in dark places, in the depths.
7 Your anger weighs heavily on me, and you have hit me with all your waves. Pause.
8 You have pushed my friends far away from me; you have made me disgusting to them: I am trapped and can’t get out.
9 My eye cries because I am suffering: God, I call to you every day, I reach out my hands to you.
10 Will you show wonders to the dead? Will the dead rise and praise you? Pause.
11 Can anyone speak of your kindness in death, or of your faithfulness in ruin?
12 Can your miracles be known in the dark? Can your goodness be known in the land of forgetting?
13 I have cried out to you, God, and in the morning my prayer will come before you.
14 God, why do you reject me? Why do you hide your face from me?
15 I have been suffering and close to death since I was young; I am overwhelmed by your fears.
16 Your fierce anger has swept over me; your fears have isolated me.
17 They surrounded me every day like water; they all closed in on me together.
18 You have pushed my loved ones and friends far away from me, and made my companions disappear into darkness.